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NASA's Spitzer Captures Echo Of Dead Star's Rumblings (Science Daily)
An enormous light echo etched in the sky by a fitful dead star was spotted by the infrared eyes of NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. The surprising finding indicates Cassiopeia A, the remnant of a star that died in a supernova explosion 325 years ago, is not resting peacefully. Instead, this dead star likely shot out at least one burst of energy as recently as 50 years ago.

Audio: Into the Submillimeter (Universe Today)
When you look into the night sky with your eyes, or through a telescope, you're seeing the Universe in the spectrum of visible light. Unfortunately, this is a fraction of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from radio waves to gamma radiation. And that's too bad because different wavelengths are better than others for revealing the mysteries of space. Technology can let us "see" what our

Preemie Birth Boosts Risk for Later Vision Trouble
Title: Preemie Birth Boosts Risk for Later Vision Trouble
Category: Health News
Created: 6/15/2005 1:57:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 6/15/2005 1:57:13 AM

Optometrists Offering Free Infant Eye Checkups
Title: Optometrists Offering Free Infant Eye Checkups
Category: Health News
Created: 6/14/2005 8:44:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 6/14/2005 8:43:45 AM

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