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Quin Baber, 1st SMH surgeon, dies at age 73 (Benton Courier)
Dr. Quin Morten Baber Jr. of Benton, the first surgeon to become part of Saline Memorial Hospital's medical staff, died Friday at the hospital where he had served others for more than 30 years.
www.delawareonline.com ¦ The News Journal ¦ Acquittals stand up in court of law, but what about in public eye? (Delaware Online)
Acquittals stand up in court of law, but what about in public eye? Act 2 can be hard to do, even after an acquittal. Many people believe celebrities get away with heinous crimes thanks to their money and fame.
Cataract Surgery
Title: Cataract Surgery
Category: Health Facts
Created: 1/31/2005 5:59:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 6/21/2005
Eye Care for People with Diabetes
Title: Eye Care for People with Diabetes
Category: Health Facts
Created: 1/31/2005 5:59:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 6/21/2005
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