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Friday Edition: Outbound E-mail (Poynter Institute)
Super lenses... Tick season... 55+ gets younger... iPod addiction... Volunteer firefighters... Firefighter hair. Over the years we have spent a lot of time being concerned about incoming e-mail because of the viruses that can come with the messages.
Laser therapy shows promise in treating variety of ailments (NorthJersey.com)
What would you say if a scientist told you she could repair an injured spinal cord by shining a light on it? Juanita Anders would certainly understand if you were skeptical. But she wants to change your mind, and she thinks she has the science behind her to do it.
Preemie Birth Boosts Risk for Later Vision Trouble
Title: Preemie Birth Boosts Risk for Later Vision Trouble
Category: Health News
Created: 6/15/2005 1:57:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 6/15/2005 1:57:13 AM
Optometrists Offering Free Infant Eye Checkups
Title: Optometrists Offering Free Infant Eye Checkups
Category: Health News
Created: 6/14/2005 8:44:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 6/14/2005 8:43:45 AM
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